Monday, October 30, 2023

Who can handle the truth? Not me.

Truth is over rated. People, in general, and men, in particular, want to be gently lied to.

Wikipedia (my 4th mother after my own, Mother Nature and Google) defines truth as a concept that extends to honesty, good faith, and sincerity in general, to agreement with fact or reality in particular.

Try telling your boss the truth about his boring discourse and you will find yourself unemployed by the end of the day. Or your best friend who just came from a posh hair dressing salon that her hair looks like the stylist was one-handed and she might as well throw the latte in your face. Oh, or your mother what you think about the major errors she made during your childhood and see what she says. Top that by telling your lover about the previous men in your life and see how he reacts. You will find yourself looking for cigarettes at midnight. Yeah, I know. Ouch.

Honesty never works in woman's favor when comes to the number of men in her life. Alice Nastase agrees with me. Even if men parade the number of women they have slept with and actually take pride in it, and ironically, it raises their "value" on the market, women can never volunteer such information without being labeled as "easy or promiscuous". Men have double standards.

While the woman is all along the passive hunter for the man, but lets him gently think he has the lead, is the woman that has to pass as innocent and immaculate, eventually. So be it, if that makes them fall into the web. Men seemed to have hypocritically develop an obsession about the purity of their partners, while they display contradictory theories about how women should be: chefs in the kitchen, whores in bed, ladies in society. Oh well, I personally have very bad manners. But I am a mean cook. You should try my banana chicken rolls. In the kitchen, I mean.

Experience taught me that 3 (or 4, ok maximum 5) is usually the perfect answer when asked about the men in a woman's life. Two is too little ("must be something wrong with her"); more than 3 or 4 labels you as promiscuous.

So, my next lover, you must know that you will always be my number 4. Yes, Alice, you are right again. Number One is always the teenage lover that sweeps you off your feet, number two is always the husband, number three is always the rebound guy (and who wants to be the rebound guy?) so only number four benefits you totally. As they say in court "say the truth and nothing but the truth”. Full stop. Don’t volunteer information more than it is necessary. Apply wisely Occam's razor.

Another irrefutable proof that men cannot handle the truth is that no matter how loud and clear they claim they want an honest and open woman (especially open-minded, but not too open, otherwise her brains will fall out) once they realize what this openness and honesty involves they withdraw within their shell. What? How? Try telling your lover what you think about his last sexual performance and he will accuse you of ruining his libido for life. Try suggesting your lover about nose hair trimming or using some cologne and he will accuse you of trying to emasculate him and turn him into a gay. As if would be something wrong with gays. Cause “a real man is sweaty, hairy, not a manicured and perfumed sissy”. Cause manhood equals au naturel. So they think. Is THAT so? Oh, my, they are so clueless. Yeap, hair and sweat is a major turn on for female chimps.

An older study claimed "in order to catch a man the woman must be less competent than he, more passive and more virtuous" (Franzwa, 1975). Super. 1975.

Life taught me that even if we preach freedom, truth and pushed-to-extremes honesty, one cannot practice these concepts without being ostracized by the peers.

Consequently, we have been placed into the situation where we have to weigh what is really important to us: socially lubricate the others and be accepted (the need to acceptance is as vivid and real at 30 - ok, ok, 34, - as it is at 15, when you get a tattoo or smoke joint just to fit in with the cool gang) or serve the truth like you serve revenge, a cold and raw dish and bear the consequences of not being digested. These consequences might imply not only isolation but hurting the feelings of others, as what is truth after all? Just a simple accord with reality and pure facts. And reality hurts. Badly. So, my name is Diana and I will be your waitress tonight. What will you have? (published in 2009)

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