Saturday, December 05, 2009

I am a half breed

A half-breed dog is sold for a smaller price than a pure breed, as usually is considered that only one parent is pure blood. This automatically implies that the other parent has a lower quality DNA.
A half breed human is usually a person of mixed racial descent, a half blooded, a hybrid. A half-breed human hardly finds its place in the world; it doesn’t belong to any cast, religion, gender or race. A half-breed human is neither female nor male, neither black nor white, neither Arab nor European, neither Muslim nor Christian. But apart from the obvious half breeds, there is a new species of half breeds: the men who are not men enough to be considered so, who have their manicure done, are too emotional and marinate themselves in cologne, and women who are too “whole lotta women” to join the reading and kneading bread mothers ‘community club.

As a naturally and biologically born woman (last time I checked), I was told and taught how I should be: kind, merciful, beautiful, hard working, loving and understanding but also strong and not to rely on anyone else.

As I made no secret of it, life had put me into a position where I had to learn and accept how to become: a man, a woman, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a father, a few grandparents and everything in between.

Experience taught me that if we possess the will (as the Germans say Ehrgeiz), impossibility becomes a sweet and certain reality.

In time, you learn how you can flip a 22 liter gallon in the water cooler, how to change light bulbs or flat tires, or replace switches for burnt electrical wires. Your feminine skills are put to test. How can you do all that and still preserve your genetically and educational given female qualities? Hardly. Your testosterone levels increase and your agressivity goes through the roof.

The present society claims that the modern family isn’t necessarily formed of a mother, father and a baby, and the sociological data and statistics reveal a tremendous increase in number of single parented families, while emphasizing the alarming rate of divorces.

As long as a woman earns as much as a man and she is becoming physically as strong as one, and as long as there are sperm banks, we, as women, will do just fine. Moreover, recent discoveries showed that women will soon be able to reproduce without any help from men and their generously spread seed, as sperm can be obtained out of bone marrow.

My personal issue popped-up however when I realized I am not strong enough to join men’s exclusive club but also not weak enough to inspire their sympathy, as Alice Nastase would say. I am what I am: a half-breed. To paraphrase a modern pop singer: “I am not a woman, not yet a man”.

In 2009, there are 192 (+/- 3) countries in the world. The UN recognized 192, while the US State Department admits the existence of 195, according to their own political agenda: a Kosovo here, a Taiwan there…

In October 2008 the statistics numbered only 15 female presidents and Prime Ministers around the world. That would be only 7.7% from the number of world leaders. Doesn't something seem wrong with these statistics?

Ironically enough, women are told that they can be whatever they want to be. That “good girls go the Heaven, but bad girls go wherever the hell they want”. A bad girl is usually a loud, assertive woman, with excess testosterone. A good girl is the type that everyone loves (or loves to hate), sweet (aw, a queen of hearts), always polite and eventually dedicating her life to the happiness of others to her own detriment.

Women have been given the pep talk the same way you prep a teen before going to college: parental and condescending. Eventually they have been granted full power to use the full throttle.

Women have come a long way, indubitably. And they still have a long and strenuous road ahead.

They fought to be able to be treated as human beings, and not as sexual pets or baby machines.
They fought to be able to vote, equal to men.
They fought so we win the right to speak up.
They fought so we can work and be paid for it.
They fought to be able to wear pants (Coco Chanel, thank you!)
They fought to be able to decide upon their own bodies.
They fought for our daughters.
They fought so we can become psychological hermaphrodites.
They fought so we can become half breeds.

But is this what we want, eventually? Be half-breeds?

1 comment:

Danny said...

hey isnt it better than pure breed Iraqi male? :)
Yes. I like very much that you are agressive with a sharp tongue and mind and knows to do what i don't know :) (with the wires, 22 liter galon and stuff...)
p.s. remind me to ask you 3 riddles about this issue one less busy day :)