Tuesday, July 06, 2010


I am born.
Franco dies.
Guinea waves Portugal goodbye. People come, people go.
Brother kills brother in Lebanon.
Saigon becomes red.
The Altair: cyber praying.
Shave and throw. Disposable.
Jimmy Hoffa?
8,000 ceramic warriors.

First artificial gene.
Apple Computer.
Karen Ann Quinlan allowed to die.
Mao Tse-tung turns to dust.
Entebbe Air Raid.
West Point says “I do”.

Sadat goes to Israel.
Neutron bomb.
NY blackout.
First black Miss Universe.
First Woman Episcopal Priest.
USA and USSR "curb" the spread of nuclear weapons.

Jonestown fruity cyanide.
First test tube baby.
Camp David for Middle East peace.
Larry Flynt shot & paralyzed.

The Shah flees, Ayatollah in Iran.
Margaret Thatcher.
Soviets in Afghanistan.
Mother Teresa Nobel Prize.
Wahhabi terror in Mecca.
Nicaraguan Revolution: viva la Sandinistas.

Who Shot JR?
Post-It Notes.
John Lennon shot by Chapman.
Reagan wins.
Saddam in Iran.

The 1st launch of a space shuttle.
Pope shot by Turk.
Charles and Diana tie knot.
Spanish divorces.
Poland crushes Solidarity.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
52 Americans freed in Iran.
Regan almost killed.

Ozzy bites the head off a bat.
Argentina invades Falklands.
Italy wins the Soccer World Cup.
Helmut Kohl.
Leonid Breznjev dies.
Sun Myung Moon marries 4,150.
Tylenol Scare.
Nancy Reagan as a bag lady.
Princess Grace RIP.
Mexico's economy collapses.
Hama Massacre in Syria.
Israel leaves Sinai.
Lebanon War: "Operation Peace for the Galilee”.
Bachir Gemayel RIP.
Sabra and Shatila.
51% of Americans hate gays.
First artificial heart transplant. Into your life.

U.S. Embassy bombing in Beirut, 63 die.
Marine Corps barracks blow up in Beirut, 241 die.
Microsoft Word.
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
USSR shoots South Korean flight 007.
US invade Grenada.
Karen Carpenter dies of anorexia.
Montagnier discoveres HIV.

Indira Gandhi assassinated.
Chemical disaster in Bhopal.
Stonewashed jeans.
Megabit chip by Bell Labs.
Olympics in LA.
Vanessa Williams naked.
Michael Jackson on fire.
Reagan jokes: "My fellow Americans, I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes." The microphone was on.

Crack cocaine.
Rainbow Warrior. For a reason.
Bernhard Goetz charged with attempted murder.
Hole in the ozone layer.
Olaf Palme is assassinated.
Rock Hudson dies of AIDS.

Challenger explodes.
Nyos, cloud of carbon dioxide.
Iran Contra Scandal (Who can forget Ollie North?).
Return of Haley's Comet.

German lands airplane on Red Square.
Black Monday - Stock market drops 22%.
Condom commercials on TV.
US budget reaches the trillion dollar mark.
Porn star Cicciolina wins a seat in the Italian parliament.
World Population reaches 5 billion.

Soviets leave Afghanistan.
Pan Am Flight 103 explodes over Lockerbie.
Bobby McFerrin "Don't worry, be happy".
Benazir Bhutto.
Iran-Iraqi war ends. A season.

Fall of the Berlin wall.
Ceausescu is shot on Christmas. The same day Jesus is born again.
Cold fusion.
Cold War ends.
Salmon Rushdie wanted dead.
Hillsborough Stadium.
Tienanmen Square.
Ban of ivory.
Panama invasion.
Rob Lowe porn video.
Menendez brothers.
Collin Powell.
Burma becomes Myanmar.
The Montreal Massacre.
Vance vs. Judas Priest: "Better by You, Better than Me".

Noriega surrenders to Americans.
Stasi archive debunked.
McDonald's in Moscow.
Nelson Mandela freed.
The USSR withdraw all 73,500 troops from Czechoslovakia.
Mikhail Gorbachev.
Soviet Union apologizes for Katyn Massacre.
Violeta Chamorro, Nicaragua.
Homosexuality no longer a disease.
Elections in Romania.
Stampede in Mecca kills 1,426.
Iraq invades Kuwait.
Brian Keenan is released from Lebanon.
One Germany.
Dome of the Rock mosque on the Temple Mount.
Syrians invade Lebanon.
Akihito is emperor of Japan.
Mary Robinson in Ireland.
Slobodan Milošević president

UN condemns Israel.
Desert Storm.
Rodney King, police brutality.
Boris Yeltsin.
Collapse of Yugoslavia.
Michel Aoun leaves Lebanon.
KGB is replaced by the SVR.
Magic Johnson has HIV.
Terry Waite and Thomas Sutherland freed in Lebanon.
Terry A. Anderson is released after 7 years' captivity as a hostage in Beirut.
Constitution of Romania is valid.
Mikhail Gorbachev resigns.
The Soviet Union ceases to exist.

George H. W. Bush vomits on Kiichi Miyazawa.
Japan apologizes for forcing Korean women into sexual slavery during World War II.
The Maastricht Treaty is signed, EU comes to life.
The Supreme Court of Ireland rules that a 14-year-old rape victim may travel to England to have an abortion.
Bodyguard assassinates Muhammad Boudiaf.
Andrei Chikatilo guilty of 52 serial murders.
Pope John Paul II lifts edict against Galileo Galilei.
Folies Bergere closes.

Czechoslovakia: Velvet Divorce.
Bill Clinton.
Václav Havel president.
Janet Reno.
Bombay bombings.
Warrington bomb attacks.
Ezer Weizman.
Jiang Zemin.
World Wide Web @ CERN.
Tansu Çiller.
Lorena Bobbitt, outch.
Bill Clinton: “Don't ask, don't tell”
Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin shake hands.
Russian troops withdraw from Poland.
Battle of Pooneryn.
War on Drugs: Pablo Escobar gunned down in Medellín.
Israel and Vatican shake hands.

Nancy Kerrigan clubbed.
Markale massacre in Sarajevo.
Baruch Goldstein opens fire at Cave of the Patriarchs.
Rwandan Genocide.
Aum Shinrikyo and sarin gas attack at Matsumoto.
Israel and Jordan shake hands.
Russian army leaves Estonia.
Mitterrand's secret daughter.
Russian troops into Chechnya.

Sarin on Tokyo subway.
Oklahoma City bombing.
Atlantis docked to Mir.
Srebrenica massacre.
Yitzhak Rabin blown away.
Remember Ken Saro-Wiwa and Ogoni.
Dayton Agreement.

Motorola StarTAC.
Dunblane Massacre.
Grapes of Wrath.
Qana Massacre.
The Khobar Towers in KSA.
Veronica Guerin, another journalist down. More to stand.
Dolly the sheep.
Andrei Lukanov, killed.

Madeleine Albright.
Massacres in Algeria.
Princess Diana killed by paparazzi.
Mother Theresa RIP.
Harry Potter.

Universe's expansion rate is increasing.
Paula Jones.
Fatwa against all Jews and Crusaders.
A Brief History of Time.
George Michael sex scandal.
Lewinsky scandal.
Matthew Shepard symbol of gay-bashing.

King Hussein RIP.
Napster rocks.
The Columbine High School massacre.

United States v. Microsoft.
Israel leaves Lebanon after 22 years.
Bashar al-Assad.
Al-Aqsa Intifada.
Bill Clinton goes to Vietnam.
Christmas Eve Indonesia bombings.

Noah, a gaur, is born. What is a gaur?
George W. Bush.
Ariel Sharon is PM.
FBI agent Robert Hanssen is Russian spy.
UK foot and mouth.
Sherpa Temba Tsheri, 16 conquers Mount Everest.
Nepalese royal massacre.
Andrea Yates kills her babies.
World Trade Centre in NYC.
USA PATRIOT Act into law.
Pope John Paul II sends the first papal e-mail from a laptop.

Daniel Pearl murdered in Karachi.
Siege of Nativity Church in Bethlehem.
Pim Fortuyn assassinated.
Serena beats Venus.
WorldCom files for bankruptcy.
US Airways declare bankruptcy.
Civil war in Côte d'Ivoire.
Bombs in Bali.
Iran bans the advertising of United States products.
Romania in NATO.
Attack at Miss World.

The Letter of the Eight supports the USA to invade Iraq.
Arsonist in Daegu, South Korea.
UAE asks Saddam Hussein to step down.
Human Genome Project is completed.
Riyadh Compound Bombings.
Pana-Wave Laboratory predicts.
Casablanca terrorist attacks.
Arsenal beats Southampton.
Prometea is born.
Martha Stewart imprisoned.
David Kelly found dead.
Uday and Qusay Hussein killed.

Hajj stampede in Mina.
South Korea clones 30 human embryos.
Train attacks in Madrid.
Serbian pogrom in Kosovo.
Romania joins NATO.
Nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu freed.
Northern Ossetia school Russian crisis.
Mohammed Bouyeri kills Theo van Gogh.
The Orange Revolution.
North Korea bans mobile phones.
Colin Powell resigns.
NASA's hypersonic Scramjet goes Mach 9.6.
The Nexialist Manifesto.
Tsunami in the Indian Ocean.

Mahmoud Abbas in Palestine.
Adriana Iliescu gives birth at 66.
Mandher Devi temple in Mandhradevi.
KSA and Iraq vote.
Rafik Hariri TNTed along with 15 others.
1 million strong for Beirut.
Pope John Paul II dies.
Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles marry.
Kuwaiti women vote.
W. Mark Felt is "Deep Throat”.
Live 8.
London Tube explodes.
Innocent Jean Charles de Menezes gunned down by UK police.
Kashmir earthquake.
Amman bombings.
Andrew Stimpson 'cured' of HIV.
Gebran Ghassan Tueni dies in car bomb.
Karen is born.
Another second is added.

Securitas depot robbery.
Slobodan Milošević dead.
The Global Night Commute.
Buffett donates $30 billion to Gates.
Lebanon War: Israeli troops invade Lebanon.
Pope Benedict XVI picks on Islam.
Google buys YouTube for $1.65 billion.
Al Jazeera English.
Pierre Amine Gemayel killed.
Holocaust conference in Tehran.
Bulgarian nurses sentenced to death in Libya.
Saddam Hussein executed.

Bulgaria and Romania in the EU.
Red Cross + Red Crescent = Red Crystal.
Moshe Katsav charged with rape.
Windows Vista.
Tony Blair answers for 'cash for peerages’.
Ehud Olmert admits Israel planned attack on Lebanon.
Australia turns off its lights.
Second Orange Revolution.
Gliese 581 c.
Nicolas Sarkozy.
Chinese slave scandal.
Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum donates €7.41 billion.
Clashes in Tripoli, again.
The favela of Complexo do Alemão massacre.
Fires in Greece.
Ehud Olmert goes to Jericho.
Burj Dubai.
Treaty of Lisbon.
Mathlete Alexis Lemaire mentally extracts the 13th root of a 200-digit number in 70.2 sec.
Riots in Kenya.

Bridgestone scandal.
Raul Castro replaces Fidel.
First bionic eyes.
Global financial crisis.
Russia loans Iceland 4-billion-euro.
2008 TC3 impacts Earth.
Icelandic Financial Supervisory Authority takes control of the 3 largest banks in the country. Hungary receives $25 billion.
Barack Obama president.
Frozen water on Mars.
Riots in Greece.
Israel beings massacre in Gaza Strip.
An extra leap second is added.

Barack Obama first US black president.
Iceland’s banking system collapses
Deadliest bushfire in Australia.
Serbian Milutinovic aquited.
Earthquake in L’Aquila.
Roh Moo-hyun commits suicide.
Air France 447 crashes.
Riots in Iran.
Michael Jackson dies.
Longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century ( 6’ 38.8”).
Pan Am Flight 103 bomber released.
4.4 million-year-old hominid skeleton 'Ardi' discovered in Ethiopia.
Roman Polanski arrested.
European astronomers discover 32 exoplanets.
CERN restarts the Large Hadron Collider particle accelerator in Geneva.

MMX. Never a lifetime.
Volleyball killings in Pakistan.
Earthquake in Haiti, Chile, China. Death toll: 232,497.
Polish president dead.
Island offers second surprise after Lazy Town: the volcano ash cloud. Name of the volcano is unpronounceable: Eyjafjallajökull.
Scientists suggest that Neanderthals and humans may have interbred.
Riots in Gaza. Again.
Planes crash in Beirut, Poland, Libya and Pakistan. Death toll: 447.
FIFA World Cup is held in South Africa. The Netherlands lost to Spain, 0-1, after an unspectacular game.
And the world is still revolving around its axis.


Alex said...

What an awesome review! I kept hearing Billy Joel playing in the background. I really like your new blog design as well. Hope you're well.


Psih. Diana Nicolescu said...

Hey Alex,
Yes, I had the "Ayatollah in Iran/
Soviets in Afghanistan" lyrics on my mind. I just thought to make history lesson easier for Karen. "We didn't start the fire" is one of my favs.
Thanks for reading me.

Anonymous said...

You'll want to add a facebook button to your blog. I just bookmarked this article, although I had to complete it manually. Simply my $.02 :)

- Robson

Psih. Diana Nicolescu said...

Each article has a facebook share button at the end. Your two cents are welcome anyway